Getting Started with Setting Up An Appointment

First, sent a us a secure message through our contact form, call us at (431) 302-8803, or email us to schedule a free 10-minutes consultation to see if we are a good fit.

Second, if we are a good fit and you would like to proceed, then we will go ahead and schedule an intake appointment, and will email you the intake paperwork.

Our First Few Sessions

During the first and maybe second sessions, we will go over all the paperwork, discuss your strengths, and therapy goals and options.

In the next session we will create a Treatment Plan. This will work as our journey map, leading us to where you want to go.

Call for a free 10 minute consultation today or fill out our contact form!

Other Mental Health Services at Bliss Counselling and Wellness Centre, our goal is simple: Counselling services in Brandon City, MB designed to help you build confidence, gain insight, develop coping techniques, and finding your “bliss”. We specialize in working with children and adolescent, young adults, parenting, and families.