Parenting Support – Most would agree that children do not come with instruction manuals on how to raise them and also no instructions on how to “let them go” when they are grown (wouldn’t that be nice). Being a parent is a blessing, an extraordinary and blissful thing when we are equipped with the tools for the task, and that is where Bliss Counselling Wellness & Centre comes in.

At times, parenting can be exhausting, demanding, stressful, yet fascinating and filled with wonder. Parenting frequently comes with life’s most difficult “tests” and challenges. Nonetheless, these challenges also come with the greatest rewards. We are privileged to be raising the leaders of tomorrow, the people who will shape our world!

We aim to help parents/caregivers learn how to make self-care a priority, find balance and the “bliss” of parenting. This includes learning how to establish and maintain healthy boundaries and habits with their children, being able to emotionally support them, handle conflicts, communicate effectively, give appropriate consequences. In addition we help them to resolve and settle differences in parenting styles between spouses, creating unity and more peace in the home.

The attachment between a parent and a child is very unique. Let us help you form and maintain a healthy, positive and meaningful connection, a more blissful, loving, and supportive relationship between all family members. 

Call for a free 15 minute consultation today or fill out our contact form!

Mental Health Services at Bliss Counselling and Wellness Centre; our goal is simple: Counselling services in Brandon, Manitoba designed to help you build confidence, gain insight, develop coping techniques, and finding your “bliss”. We specialize in working with children and adolescent, young adults, parents, and families.