Here are 10 tips in dealing with your teens behaviours because dealing with your teen’s behaviours can be tiring and challenging, as parents and caregivers have expressed to me as a counsellor. And as such, parents and caregivers often look for a quick fix to their teen’s behaviours. In this blog series of when do I know my teen need counselling, I am providing ten tips on dealing with your teen’s behaviours as part two of our series.

Something to keep in mind, as a parent is that teen can be moody and that could be as a result of how their brain develops and changes. Changes in teen’s mood and behaviours can lead to the teen appearing rude or disrespectful but behaving like this normal aspect for teen’s growth and development.

So here are 10 tips for dealing with your teen’s behaviours as a parent or caregiver;

1). Listen to your teen when dealingwith their behaviour.

Dealing with your teen’s behaviour can be challenging if you do not listen to them no matter if you think their input does not make sense. Your teen wants and needs to be heard by you.

2). Set clear rules for your teen when dealing with their behaviour.

Make the rules at home to be clear and not unclear. Let your teen know what is expected and make them be part of making those rules at home. An example will be having a family meeting to coming up with the family rules with regards to communication and behaviours.

3). Be Firm and Consistent when dealing with your Teen behaviour.

Be firm and consistent when dealing with your teen’s behaviours so they know what to expect from you as a parent. Do not set unrealistic expectation and consequences for your teen and be consistent with following up. Because that creates confusion for your teen as they do not know what to expect.

4). Positive Role Model.

Act and behave the way you want your teen to behave when you are with or around them. Remember the golden rule “do unto others what you want them to do unto you”.

5). Choose your Battle when dealing with your teen behaviour.

I hear a parent/caregiver asking how is this possible when al the teen does is to act and behave rude and disrespectful but you don’t have to take the bait as a parent. Teens will defiantly push those buttons to get you angry, so pick your battles.

6). Praise your Teen.

Be descriptive when praising your teen so they know what behaviour you are praising them for.

7). Respect Your Teen Privacy.

Do not barge into your teen’s room because you own the house. Be respectful of their privacy and knock on the door and ask for permission to come into their room.

8). Plan ahead for difficult conversations when dealing with your teen behaviour.

Prepare ahead for a difficult conversation. Choose a time and place where you can have that difficult conversation with your teen.

9). Spend Time with your Teen when dealing with their behaviour.

Sometimes in dealing with your teen’s behaviour it can be challenging spending time with them, as it could be exhausting. However, looking for every opportunity to spend quality time with your teen can be very rewarding. It does not have to be planned using every opportunity you see or get.

10). Keep Your Promise to your Teen in dealing their behaviour.

Do not make promises to your teens that you cannot keep all in the bid of trying to deal with their emotion. Make your promise realistic and keep to your promise as it breeds trust for you.

Nonetheless, if your teen or child’s behaviour does not change towards you as a parent or caregiver then you need to sort professional help or support. Subscribe for our newsletter and future blogs.

Other Mental Health Services at Bliss counselling and Wellness Centre, our goal is simple: Counselling services in Brandon City, MB, designed to help you build confidence, gain insight, developing coping skills, and finding your bliss. We specialize in working with children and adolescent, parenting and families. I also help young adults and facilitate groups.