Nutrition and the Brain

Nutrition and the Brain

Nutrition and the Brain is an important discussion. It has been said that “you are what you eat” and this is true for the brain as well. The brain needs a constant supply of nutrients to function, grow, and repair it. However, there is no one type of food that contains all the nutrients our brains need. What we eat matters just as much as how often we exercise or sleep. Just like other organs in your body, your brain thrives on variety!

You may not know that the food you eat can affect your mood and behaviour. But did you also know it has a significant impact on cognitive function? This is because nutrients we consume are necessary for brain activity. The best way to get these essential elements is by eating healthy foods like dairy, vegetables, fruits or legumes since they provide us with lots of vitamins such as folate which helps support our thinking skills!

The brain is made up of many different types of cells that need fuel to function properly, such as proteins, fats, minerals (calcium), vitamins (B12) and more. These nutrients are delivered by blood vessels that travel through our body when we consume them in food or drink.

The brain is a very multifaceted and subtle organ because it controls our consciousness, movement, sensation, and emotions. It needs good nutrition in order to function properly, but it does not always get what it needs from the food we eat. In today’s post, I will go over some of the basics about how diet can impact brain development and functioning as well as provide tips on how parents can help their children with healthy eating habits.

Nutrition and the Brain: Nutrients that is good for your brain

Your brain is a very complex organ and it needs all the proper nutrients to function at its best. You know that eating right is good for you, but what are some of the foods that will help your brain? A healthy diet can go a long way in helping with memory loss or other types of cognitive decline as you age. It’s never too early or late to take care of your mind! One way to make sure you’re getting enough protein, potassium and magnesium is by adding these three items into your diet on a regular basis. Protein helps build up cells throughout your body while potassium and magnesium are both essential for communication between those same cells. Adding more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids (DHA), probiotics/prebiotics (good bacteria) into your diet—so you get all the benefits they provide for your health and wellbeing.

Nutrition has a direct impact on your ability to think clearly and make decisions — whether you’re trying to solve a problem at work, learn something new for school, remember where you put your keys after coming home from work late at night…the list goes on! Fortunately there are simple things we can do every day like eating more vegetables (and less sugar) that will help nourish our brains so we can stay sharp and focused all day long.

Nutrients not good for Your Brain

People always ask what food or nutrients are not good for your brain. There is no easy answer. The best thing to do is eat a balanced diet, avoid fast food and sugary sodas, and take supplements if you need them. Nutrients not good for the brain include sugar, fat, processed grains and trans fats. Eating healthy foods such as vegetables can help prevent cognitive decline in old age. A study found that people who ate lots of fruits and vegetables had better memories than those who did not consume these nutrients.

We have discussed nutrition and the brain, nutrients good for the brain, and nutrients not good for the brain. Nutrition is very important because the food we eat affects our behaviour and mood. As such, it’s essential to feed the brain with the right nutrients so it can function as it should. Food is fuel for the body and brain. Lastly, eating a balanced diet rich in nutrients will help you get rid of these issues and boost your moods while improving your memory, concentration and focus as well. If you have any questions about how we can help support your family’s diet with nutritious foods like those mentioned above, please call our office today! We’re always happy to answer all of your concerns.”

Emem Iniobong is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor that helps children, teens, young adults, parents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-ful life.