
Diet Tips to Help Manage Your Stress Naturally

Diet Tips to Help Manage Your Stress Naturally – Managing stress naturally often begins with your eating habits. There are certain foods you should be avoiding, such as caffeine and high amounts of sugar, because they tend to make stress worse over time. However, there are also a lot of diet recommendations for stress relief, including the following foods.

Eat More Complex Carbs

Diet Tips to Help Manage Your Stress Naturally – The good thing about this diet tip is that not only will it help with stress, but it is a good healthy dieting guideline to keep for overall health and even weight loss. Complex carbs take longer to digest, which can help you maintain your energy and stabilize blood sugar levels. They include whole grain and whole wheat bread, pasta, cereal, and rice. Having some oatmeal or overnight oats can also be great if you are trying to eat more complex carbs. You want to try and avoid refined carbs, like white bread, white rice, and regular pasta.

Load Up on Veggies | Diet Tips to Help Manage Your Stress Naturally

Yes, you are going to hear it again: you need to eat your veggies! Vegetables are so important for all the nutrients they provide, which can also help to reduce your stress levels. For example, asparagus has a lot of folate, also known as folic acid, which can be wonderful for helping to relieve stress. Avocadoes are also recommended due to the vitamin E, folate, beta-carotene, and lutein, all of which are food for blocking fats that can increase your stress. Both of these healthy foods are easy to add to meals, from having sliced avocado on your salad, to eating asparagus on the side of your fish or chicken for a nutritious dinner.

Have Some Dark Chocolate | Diet Tips to Help Manage Your Stress Naturally

Diet Tips to Help Manage Your Stress Naturally – Believe it or not, there are some sweet treats you can have if you want to reduce your stress, but you should go for the dark chocolate varieties. While you often want to indulge in a lot of sweet candies and baked goods, the temporary stress relief can lead to a lot more issues. However, dark chocolate is good for you, tends to be lower in fat and calories, and also has tons of antioxidants. These antioxidants will help to balance out the stress hormones in our body, thus reducing your stress levels.

Choose Fatty Fish | Diet Tips to Help Manage Your Stress Naturally

Diet Tips to Help Manage Your Stress Naturally – For lunch or dinner, try to add some fatty fish at least 2-3 days a week. It is low in fat and high in protein, plus it is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. These are also high up on the list of nutrients that help with excessive amounts of stress. Try fatty fish like tuna, salmon, and mackerel.

Therapy in Brandon  

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety or trauma is especially high during the winter season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

Journaling Tips to Help Teens Cope with Stress and Anxiety

Journaling Tips – Your teens and pre-teens are dealing with a lot of different emotions, and could use a way to release those emotions and thoughts in a safe way. Journaling can do that for them, and it is so flexible and easy to do, that it really is great for all adolescents. Here are some tips to help your teens start journaling.

Start Small | Journaling Tips

Journaling doesn’t have to be an all-encompassing activity; you can start small by taking just five or ten minutes each day to write down your thoughts. You might want to start by writing about what happened during the day or how you were feeling, then you can move on from there. Don’t worry if you don’t know where to start; just let your words flow freely and see where they take you.

Find a Journal You Love | Journaling Tips

Journaling Tips – If you want your teen to love writing, they need to love what they are writing with. This includes a journal or notebook that is just their style, along with some fun pens they choose themselves. Everyone tends to be picky about the type of pen they use, so definitely let them pick out some favorites.

Use Different Writing Tools, Stickers, and Embellishments

Journaling Tips – In addition to the journal and writing tools, you can get them some other tools as well. Teens who are on the creative side might want to add more color, doodles, or designs to their journal pages. This is super easy to do with colored pencils, watercolors, embellishments, stickers, and other similar items. These can be really inexpensive, and make a huge difference in how motivated your teens are to use their journal.

Keep Your Journal Private | Journaling Tips

Journaling Tips – It is really important that you make a promise to your teens that their journals will remain private and confidential. If they have any fears of someone (like a younger sibling) reading their journals, they won’t be as open and honest as they could be, which does diminish some of the potential benefits of this writing practice. Give them somewhere they can lock up their journals, or even get a diary with a key if they would feel more comfortable with that.

Writing Ideas | Journaling Tips

Journaling Tips – There are a lot of journal prompts out there, but many of them are geared towards adults. For teens and pre-teens, look for journal prompts about school, friends, getting ready for college, and this sort of thing. Here are some examples of great writing topics for teens:

  • What does your ideal life look like?
  • What do you want to major in?
  • What college are you interested in?
  • What are your future career plans?
  • Where you would move to if you could move anywhere after high school?
  • Talk about your BFFs
  • What subjects do you love in school?
  • Which subjects do you always dread?
  • How do you like spending your free time?

Set Goals

Journaling Tips – You can also use journaling as a way of setting goals for yourself and tracking your progress over time. For example, if you want to learn a new skill or get better grades in school, write down what your goal is and then break it down into smaller steps that you need to take in order to achieve it. This will help keep you motivated and focused on reaching your goals. 

Creating Space for Reflection | Journaling Tips

Journaling can also be used as a tool for reflection and self-discovery. Take some time each day (or week) to reflect on what has been happening in your life recently – both the good and the bad – and consider what lessons you can learn from these experiences. You might want to think about how these experiences have impacted your relationships with others or how they have shaped your outlook on life going forward.

Journaling is incredibly powerful tools that can help teens cope with stress, anxiety, and other emotions that they may not be able to express verbally. It provides them with an outlet for their thoughts and feelings while also teaching them useful skills such as goal setting, self-reflection, and creative expression. For parents looking for ways to support their teens during this challenging time in their lives, encouraging them to start a journal is one of the best things that they can do! Check out our shop here.

Therapy in Brandon  

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety or trauma is especially high during the winter season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

Restorative Routines for Mental Wellness

Restorative Routines for Mental Wellness – Mental wellness is becoming more and more of a priority amongst the younger generation. In order to feel emotionally and mentally healthy, it’s important to establish and maintain routines that promote relaxation and well-being. Resetting your routine can be an effective way to incorporate activities that nourish your mental state – here are some ideas on how you can do just that.

Be Mindful of What You Eat and Drink | Restorative Routines for Mental Wellness

Restorative Routines for Mental Wellness – We all know the saying “you are what you eat” – and while it may be a bit cliché, there’s truth behind this sentiment. Eating well-balanced meals is key to feeling good in mind and body. Avoiding processed foods, opting for nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, cutting down on sugar intake, drinking lots of water – these are all simple but effective ways to improve our overall physical health, which translates into improved mental health as well.

Take Time for Yourself | Restorative Routines for Mental Wellness

Restorative Routines for Mental Wellness – The hustle and bustle of everyday life can be draining for both adults and youth alike. Taking time out of your busy schedule to relax is one of the best things you can do for yourself when it comes to maintaining good mental health. Whether it’s reserving a few minutes each day for meditation or dedicating an entire day towards selfcare activities like at-home spa treatments or reading a book with no distractions, making sure that you take regular “me time” will help keep stress levels low – which is essential for optimal mental health. 

Get Moving | Restorative Routines for Mental Wellness

Restorative Routines for Mental Wellness – Exercise has long been known as an effective stress reliever, so why not make exercise part of your reset routine? Not only will exercising help lower cortisol (the stress hormone) levels in the body, but it also releases endorphins which trigger positive feelings in the brain – a great way to boost mood! Even if you’re pressed for time during the weekdays, finding small windows throughout the day where you can fit in mini workouts (like 10 minutes of jumping jacks or squats while dinner is cooking!) can make a world of difference in terms of energy levels.

Resetting routines is an easy yet powerful way to take charge over your own wellbeing! Establishing habits such as eating balanced meals, taking time out from our days solely dedicated towards relaxation and doing regular exercises are all great ways to promote better mental health. It doesn’t have to be complicated; even small changes can create big impacts when it comes to mental wellness!

Therapy in Brandon  

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety or trauma is especially high during the winter season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

Resetting Routines for Mental Health Wellness

Resetting Routines for Mental Health Wellness – Routines provide us with structure and stability, but when life throws us a curveball, it can be hard to keep up with our normal routine and habits. Whether you’re a teen, parent, or adult, transitioning into a new lifestyle can be difficult without the right tools. Read on as we discuss how resetting your routines can help promote mental health wellness during times of transition.

The Benefits of Establishing Healthy Routines | Resetting Routines for Mental Health Wellness

Resetting Routines for Mental Health Wellness – When life is thrown off balance due to an unexpected event such as Covid-19, it’s important to remember that resetting your daily routine can help you find a sense of control. Taking small steps to reset your routine helps give back some control when everything else around you is uncertain. This could include setting aside time each day for physical activity or meditation, trying out a new hobby like baking or painting, or just taking five minutes at the end of the day for yourself. Making time for yourself every day is essential for mental health wellness and will help create positive coping mechanisms in times of stress.

Routines Are Not One Size Fits All | Resetting Routines for Mental Health Wellness

Resetting Routines for Mental Health Wellness – Creating a healthy routine doesn’t mean that you have to suddenly start waking up at 6 am every day if that’s not something you would typically do. It means finding ways to incorporate activities into your daily schedule that make you feel good while also allowing flexibility in case something else comes up. That might include spending ten minutes each day journaling your thoughts or taking a walk around the block before dinner each night—the possibilities are endless! Make sure whatever routine you choose fits into your own unique lifestyle and needs so that it won’t be too hard to maintain in the long run. 

Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone | Resetting Routines for Mental Health Wellness

Resetting routines shouldn’t stop with just finding activities that fit into your current lifestyle; it should also involve pushing yourself out of your comfort zone from time to time by trying something new! Whether this means signing up for an online yoga class or learning a foreign language through an app, breaking out of routines provides opportunities to stimulate creativity and challenge yourself mentally and physically. Don’t forget to take breaks every now and then too—not only will this help prevent burnout but it also gives you more time to explore things outside of what has become comfortable or familiar. 

Resetting routines can go a long way towards promoting mental health wellness during times of transition such as what we are experiencing now due to Covid-19. It doesn’t mean having to stick strictly to one set schedule but rather taking small steps towards creating habits that work best for you personally while still allowing room for growth and exploration along the way. So go ahead – try something new today! You never know what kind of positive impact it may have on both your physical and mental wellbeing!

Therapy in Brandon  

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety or trauma is especially high during the winter season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

Focusing on Mental Health Wellness

Focusing on Mental Health Wellness – Mental health wellness is vital for a healthy lifestyle. It is important to maintain good mental health in order to be productive, stay motivated, and enjoy life. One of the most important aspects in maintaining good mental health is being able to focus on the present moment and take care of oneself. Let’s look at why focus is so important when it comes to mental health wellness and how you can use it to your advantage.

The Benefits of Focus | Focusing on Mental Health Wellness

Focusing on Mental Health Wellness – Having the ability to focus on the present moment can help reduce stress and anxiety levels. When you are too focused on the future or past, it can lead to overthinking and worrying about things that may or may not happen. By focusing on the present moment, you can better manage your emotions and be more mindful of what is happening around you. This helps to create a sense of peace and inner calmness which can help improve your overall well-being.

Focus also helps with decision making as it allows us to make decisions with clarity instead of being driven by our emotions or impulses. It also gives us an opportunity to make better choices for ourselves such as taking time out for rest or exercise when needed. Being able to focus also helps us prioritize tasks more effectively so that we can accomplish what needs to be done without feeling overwhelmed or stressed out.

Practicing Mindfulness | Focusing on Mental Health Wellness

Focusing on Mental Health Wellness – One way to practice focus and cultivate mental health wellness is through mindfulness meditation practices. Mindfulness meditation involves focusing on one’s breath or an object while paying attention to thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgement or attachment. By doing this regularly, it increases awareness of one’s internal states which in turn helps foster self-compassion, acceptance, resilience, and emotional regulation skills which are essential for maintaining positive mental health. In addition, mindfulness practices have been found by research studies to reduce stress levels significantly within 10 weeks thus resulting in improved overall well-being over time.

Focus plays an important role in achieving mental health wellness due its ability reduce stress levels as well as helping us make better decisions for ourselves. Practicing mindfulness meditation has been shown by research studies to have significant benefits in reducing stress levels within 10 weeks thus leading towards improved overall well-being over time. Taking some time each day for yourself whether through mindfulness practices or other activities will ultimately help you become more aware of your internal states and allow you feel more grounded throughout your day!

Therapy in Brandon  

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety or trauma is especially high during the winter season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

Tips for Setting Intentions for Mental Health Wellness

Tips for Setting Intentions for Mental Health Wellness – Mental health is an important and often overlooked aspect of life. It’s essential to take time and set intentions for mental health wellness. This can be done in many ways, such as taking a few moments each day to reflect and practice mindfulness, or setting goals and holding yourself accountable. Here are some tips to help you create healthy habits that will benefit your overall mental health.

Get Clear on What You Want | Tips for Setting Intentions for Mental Health Wellness

Before setting an intention, take some time to get clear on what it is that you want to accomplish in terms of mental health and wellness. What do you want more of in your life? Maybe it’s more peace, more calm, or more clarity around how you feel? Maybe it’s something else entirely. Get specific about what it is you want to achieve with your intention-setting process.

Choose Words That Resonate with You | Tips for Setting Intentions for Mental Health Wellness

Tips for Setting Intentions for Mental Health Wellness – Once you know what you want, choose words that resonate with you. These should be words that describe the feeling or state of being that you’re striving for. For example, if your intention is to create more peace in your life, words like “calm,” “balance,” or “harmony” might resonate with you. Choose whatever words feel right for you—there’s no right or wrong way to do this! 

Visualize Your Intention

Tips for Setting Intentions for Mental Health Wellness – Once you’ve chosen your words, visualize them in your mind’s eye. Imagine yourself living into this intention—what does it look like? What does it feel like? Spend some time really visualizing yourself embodying this intention in every aspect of your life. This will help make the intention tangible and real, rather than just a concept or idea floating around in your head.

Start Small | Tips for Setting Intentions for Mental Health Wellness

Tips for Setting Intentions for Mental Health Wellness – It’s important to start with small steps when setting intentions for mental health wellness. Begin by setting achievable goals that are easy to stick with over time. For example, try starting with a goal of 10 minutes of mindfulness practice each day before bed, or 20 minutes of exercise twice per week. You can also focus on creating healthy eating habits by committing to eating more fruits and vegetables each day, or drinking more water throughout the day. Setting smaller goals makes it easier to stay motivated and focused on your intention-setting journey.

Try Something New | Tips for Setting Intentions for Mental Health Wellness

Tips for Setting Intentions for Mental Health Wellness – Once you feel comfortable with the smaller goals you have set for yourself, challenge yourself by trying something new that will benefit your mental health wellness. This could be anything from joining an online support group or signing up for mindfulness classes to meditating daily or journaling regularly about your feelings and emotions. The key is finding something that feels right for you and is manageable enough so that it doesn’t become overwhelming or too difficult to keep up with over time.

Create a Support System

Tips for Setting Intentions for Mental Health Wellness – Creating a positive environment around you is another great way to stay motivated while setting intentions for mental health wellness. Building relationships with those who make you feel safe, secure, and supported will help keep you on track when times get tough. Make sure to surround yourself with people who understand your needs and offer words of encouragement when needed—this will help ensure that you follow through on your goals in the long run.

Take Action & Practice Patience | Tips for Setting Intentions for Mental Health Wellness

Finally, take action towards manifesting this intention in your life. This could include anything from meditating each day to journaling about how this intention feels or looks when manifested in real life—the options are endless! Whatever action steps you choose, remember that they won’t bear fruit overnight—so practice patience as well as action!

Tips for Setting Intentions for Mental Health Wellness – Setting intentions for mental health wellness is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle. Remember that everyone has different needs when it comes to creating intentional practices around their mental health—what works for one person may not work for another—so don’t be afraid to experiment until you find what works best for you! With dedication and consistency, these simple steps will help lay the groundwork for creating lifelong habits that promote positive mental health outcomes in the long run!

Therapy in Brandon  

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety or trauma is especially high during the winter season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

Setting Intentions With Your Word: A Guide to Mental Well-Being

Setting Intentions With Your Word – We all know the power of words, but do we really understand its impact? Our words have the power to create and shape our reality. When used with intention, the right words can help us manifest our desired outcomes. In this blog post, we’ll explore how setting intentions with your word can positively impact your mental well-being.

Why is it important to use positive language | Setting Intentions With Your Word

Setting Intentions With Your Word – The words you speak and think have a direct influence on your mental state. Using positive language helps improve your mood, boost your self-esteem, and encourages resilience when faced with difficult situations. It also allows you to build healthy relationships with others by communicating clearly and honestly.

Setting Intentions for Your Words | Setting Intentions With Your Word

Setting Intentions With Your Word – The first step in setting intentions for your words is being mindful of the things you say and think. By tuning into your inner dialogue, you can become aware of any negative or unhelpful thoughts that may be impacting your mental health. Once you become aware of these thoughts, it’s time to start using more positive language. This means replacing negative phrases like “I’m not good enough” with more helpful ones like “I am capable and strong” or “I can handle this challenge.”

Think about how you want to feel when speaking or thinking about something – what words will best serve that feeling? By doing this regularly, you can begin to retrain your brain and create new neural pathways that will support healthier thought patterns in the long run. 

Manifesting Intentions Through Intentional Language | Setting Intentions With Your Word

Setting Intentions With Your Word – Intentional language is an important part of manifesting what we want in life. The key is speaking from a place of love rather than fear or judgment. For example, if you want to manifest abundance in your life, focus on what it feels like to be abundant rather than focusing on lack or scarcity (e.g., “I am surrounded by abundance” versus “There’s never enough money!”). This kind of intentional language helps create positive energy around the things we desire most in life – whether it be financial stability, career success, meaningful relationships – and attracts them into our lives faster than worrying about them ever could!

It is clear that setting intentions with our word has profound effects on our mental wellbeing as well as our ability to manifest the things we desire most in life. By using intentional language with love instead of fear or judgment we are able to create positive energy around our goals and attract them into our lives faster than worrying ever could! So go ahead – set some intentions today! Start speaking from a place of love rather than fear or judgement and see how quickly those dreams start becoming realities!

Therapy in Brandon  

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety or trauma is especially high during the winter season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

The Benefits of Setting an Intention with a Word of the Year 

The Benefits of Setting an Intention with a Word of the Year – Many of us have goals for the upcoming year, but setting an intention and selecting a “word of the year” can be a powerful way to focus your energy on what matters most. This practice not only helps you to stay focused on achieving your goals, but it can also improve your mental health and wellbeing. Let’s take a look at how setting an intention with your word of the year can benefit you. 

Create Clarity Through Reflection | The Benefits of Setting an Intention with a Word of the Year 

The Benefits of Setting an Intention with a Word of the Year  – The process of selecting a word for your intention is reflective in nature. Taking time to consider what values, goals, and habits you want to prioritize in the coming year gives you clarity on what matters most. It allows you to create space to think about how you want to show up in the world and what kind of life you want to live. This practice also encourages you to take responsibility for your actions, as it requires that all decisions made throughout the year are aligned with this chosen word and intention. 

Manifest Your Intentions | The Benefits of Setting an Intention with a Word of the Year 

The Benefits of Setting an Intention with a Word of the Year – Once you have identified which values are important to prioritize, manifesting these intentions into actionable steps is key for achieving success in any area of life. By continuously reminding yourself of this chosen word, allowing it to be seen by others around you (through writing or artwork), as well as revisiting it regularly throughout the year will help keep it top-of-mind when making any decisions or taking inspired action towards your goals. 

Increase Mindfulness & Self-Awareness | The Benefits of Setting an Intention with a Word of the Year 

The Benefits of Setting an Intention with a Word of the Year – Setting an intention with a word of the year can help increase mindfulness and self-awareness by encouraging reflection throughout each day or week. For example, if “simplicity” is your chosen word, then every decision that comes up should be assessed based on whether it leads towards more simplicity or complexity in life; this could include anything from simplifying daily tasks such as decluttering physical items or digital distractions like social media notifications. When we intentionally practice this level of self-awareness, we become more mindful around our choices—which has been linked to improved mental health outcomes such as increased happiness & satisfaction overall! 

When it comes down to it, setting an intention with a “word of the year” is one way that we can bring awareness into our lives and remind ourselves why certain values are important in order for us to achieve our goals and dreams. Not only does this practice encourage reflection and help manifest our intentions into actionable steps – but it has also been linked to improved mental health outcomes such as increased happiness & satisfaction overall! So if 2023 is looking like another busy year ahead – why not start off by choosing a word that will serve as reminder throughout each day? Here’s hoping 2023 brings clarity & joy!

Therapy in Brandon  

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety or trauma is especially high during the winter season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

Discovering the Benefits of EMDR Intensives

EMDR Intensives – EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a powerful, evidence-based treatment for emotional distress. It helps people heal from trauma, negative beliefs, and unresolved issues that may be causing physical or emotional pain. The most effective way to experience the full power of EMDR is through an EMDR Intensive session. Let’s take a look at what they are and why they may be beneficial to you.

What is an EMDR Intensive | EMDR Intensives

An EMDR intensive is a focused period of time devoted solely to utilizing this valuable tool. Typically, an intensive lasts between three and five days; however, there are some programs available which offer intensives that last up to seven days. During an intensive, your therapist will use a variety of approaches to help you target different areas of distress in your life. This includes processing traumatic events, resolving negative core beliefs, and learning healthy coping strategies.

Benefits of an EMDR Intensive | EMDR Intensives

EMDR Intensives – The main benefit of an EMDR intensive is that it allows for greater depth than traditional weekly sessions. By having long periods of uninterrupted time dedicated solely to using the therapy modality, more progress can be made in less time than with traditional methods. This can be particularly helpful if you are someone who has difficulty maintaining focus during regular weekly sessions due to anxiety or other obstacles. In addition, because the sessions have a shorter duration than regular weekly sessions, it eliminates any potential difficulties with scheduling conflicts or travel time constraints that may arise when trying to attend multiple appointments in one week.

Another major benefit of using intensives for EMDR therapy is that it gives you the opportunity to work with highly skilled professionals in a safe and supportive environment. During the intensive sessions, your therapist or facilitator will provide personalized attention as well as resources and tools designed specifically for you so that you can make significant progress on your journey towards healing and growth.

EMDR intensives are becoming increasingly popular as people become aware of their effectiveness in helping individuals overcome trauma and find relief from troubling emotions associated with past experiences. If you’re considering engaging in this type of therapy but have reservations about scheduling regular weekly appointments due to time constraints or other obstacles then researching into participating in an EMDR Intensive might just be the perfect solution for you! Whether you’re looking for relief from PTSD symptoms or struggling with anxiety or depression resulting from past trauma, this therapy modality can help–it has been scientifically proven to do so! An EMDR Intensive could help you move forward on your path towards healing and health faster than ever before!

Therapy in Brandon  

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety or trauma is especially high during the winter season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

Choosing a Word For the Year: A Mental Wellness Tool

Choosing a Word For the Year: A Mental Wellness Tool – It’s that time of year again – the new year is here and it’s time to make resolutions and set intentions. But instead of making a long list of goals, why not focus on one word for the entire year? Choosing a word for the year is an effective mental wellness tool that can be used to provide clarity and direction in your life. Let’s take a look at why this is such an effective tool and how you can use it to help you reach your goals.

What is a Word For the Year | Choosing a Word For the Year: A Mental Wellness Tool

A “word for the year” is simply a single word or phrase that you choose to focus on during the upcoming year. The idea is to pick one word or phrase that serves as an anchor for all your activities, decisions, and intentions. It should be something that resonates with you; something that speaks to your values and what matters most in life. Ultimately, it should serve as a reminder of what you want to achieve, who you want to become, or what kind of life you want to lead.

How Can Choosing a Word Help Me Reach My Goals | Choosing a Word For the Year: A Mental Wellness Tool

Word For the Year – Choosing a word can be incredibly helpful when it comes to reaching your goals because it helps give clarity and direction. By choosing one specific word or phrase, you are able to focus on just one thing without getting overwhelmed by multiple objectives. This single point of focus helps motivate you by providing concrete steps towards achieving success. Additionally, having one guiding principle throughout the year allows for more creative problem-solving because it gives you space to think outside the box when faced with challenges.

Why Should I Choose A Word Instead Of Making Resolutions | Choosing a Word For the Year: A Mental Wellness Tool

Making resolutions can often lead to feelings of overwhelming stress because there are so many goals we want (or feel like) we need to accomplish in order to be successful. By focusing on just one concept throughout the entire year, we are able to narrow our focus and prioritize our energy more effectively than if we were trying tackle multiple objectives at once. Additionally, this practice allows us more flexibility because rather than feeling restricted by predetermined resolutions, we can use our chosen words as inspiration for creative solutions throughout the course of our journey towards success.

Choosing a “word for the year” is an effective mental wellness tool that can help provide clarity and direction in your life. Having one guiding principle throughout the entire year helps narrow our focus and enables us to better prioritize our energy while still allowing us room for creative problem-solving along the way. So this year, instead of making resolutions that may leave you feeling overwhelmed or stressed out – choose just one word or phrase as an anchor for all your activities –it could be exactly what you need!

Therapy in Brandon  

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety or trauma is especially high during the winter season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

The Power of Faith-Based Counselling

The Power of Faith-Based Counselling – For many people, the power of faith-based counselling is an important part of their lives. Whether you are a teen, adult, or parent, faith can provide a unique and powerful form of support and guidance. It can help you work through difficult situations and relationships in a way that is meaningful for you and your family. Let’s take a look at why faith-based counselling is so important.

The Benefits of Faith-Based Counselling | The Power of Faith-Based Counselling

Faith counselling

Faith has long been used as a source of comfort and solace for many people. It can also be used as a tool for healing and growth during difficult times. When it comes to counseling, faith-based services can offer individuals the opportunity to explore their beliefs with the guidance of experienced professionals who specialize in this type of approach. Here are some key benefits that faith-based counseling can provide.

  • A Safe Place to Explore Your Beliefs – The Power of Faith-Based Counselling

Faith gives us an opportunity to explore our beliefs without fear or judgement. Through faith-based counseling, individuals gain access to safe spaces where they can discuss their thoughts, values, and feelings without worrying about being judged or shamed for their beliefs. This allows them to gain insight into how their own personal values may be impacting their lives in both positive and negative ways.

  • Access to Supportive Resources – The Power of Faith-Based Counselling

Faith-based counsellors have access to supportive resources such as religious texts, prayer groups, online support communities, etc., which can help individuals gain greater insight into how their own religious beliefs may be influencing their current situation. By having access to these resources, individuals are better able to gain understanding and perspective on any life challenges they may be facing.

  • A Sense of Community – The Power of Faith-Based Counselling

In addition to providing professional guidance from trained counselors, faith-based counselling also provides individuals with a sense of community—a place where they feel supported by others who share similar values or experiences. This community setting helps create an environment where individuals feel comfortable discussing sensitive topics without worrying about being judged or criticized by those outside the group. 

Faith has been shown time again to be an incredibly powerful source of strength when it comes to navigating difficult times in life. With the help of qualified professionals who specialize in faith-based counselling services, individuals are given the tools they need to explore how their values may be impacting their lives in both positive and negative ways—allowing them greater insight into how best they can cope with any issues that may arise in life’s journey. If you or someone you know could benefit from exploring one’s relationship with faith through counselling services—now might just be the perfect time!

Therapy in Brandon  

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety or trauma is especially high during the winter season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

What is EMDR? Exploring if it’s Right For You.

What is EMDR? Exploring if it’s Right For You – EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy is a popular evidence-based treatment used to help individuals process traumatic experiences, reduce symptoms of distress, and increase psychological well-being. If you are considering EMDR therapy, it is helpful to gain an understanding of what it can do for you and how it works in the therapeutic setting. Let’s take a look at what EMDR is and why it might be the right choice for you.

What Does EMDR Do – What is EMDR? Exploring if it’s Right For You.

EMDR has been proven to be effective in treating various mental health conditions such as PTSD, depression, and anxiety. It works by helping individuals work through a traumatic experience or difficult emotions that have been stored away in their brain. In traditional talk therapy, people may talk about their experiences but not actually process them. With EMDR, the therapist helps the person explore these experiences more deeply so that they can become less overwhelming and intrusive. This type of deep exploration can lead to more insight into the causes of one’s symptoms as well as new perspectives on how to cope with them.

The Benefits of EMDR Therapy -What is EMDR? Exploring if it’s Right For You.

EMDR can provide a number of benefits for those struggling with mental health issues like PTSD or trauma-related anxiety. It can help individuals become less overwhelmed by their emotions, better regulate their own emotions, improve self-compassion, reduce stress levels, increase self-esteem and confidence levels, learn better coping skills, improve sleep quality and duration, manage negative thoughts more effectively, and feel more empowered overall when dealing with difficult life events or situations.

If you are considering utilizing EMDR therapy for yourself or your loved ones in order to address a mental health condition like PTSD or depression, understanding what it does and why it may be beneficial is key to making an informed decision about your treatment options. By exploring the purpose behind this type of therapy in depth as well as its potential benefits for those struggling with mental illness, you will likely find that this modality could be extremely beneficial for your situation. As always however it is important to consult your healthcare provider prior to starting any new treatments so that you can make sure you are getting the best possible care available. Good luck!

Therapy in Brandon  

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety or trauma is especially high during the winter season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

What is EMDR Therapy and How Can It Help Children?

What is EMDR Therapy and How Can It Help Children – Trauma can affect people of all ages, including children. In some cases, they may not even be aware that they are experiencing trauma. Fortunately, there is a type of therapy called Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) that can help children in the process of healing from traumatic experiences. Let’s take a look at what EMDR is and how it can benefit kids.

What Is EMDR Therapy?

EMDR therapy is an evidence-based approach to treating mental health conditions that have been caused by trauma or other adverse experiences. The therapy uses bilateral stimulation techniques, such as eye movements or other forms of rhythmic stimulation, to help process and resolve negative thoughts and emotions associated with the traumatic experience.

The goal of EMDR therapy is to help the individual understand the root cause of their distress and create new ways of responding to triggers related to the event. This helps them develop healthier coping skills and better manage their emotions in response to similar situations in the future.

How Does It Work – EMDR Therapy

During an EMDR session, a therapist will guide the individual through a series of steps designed to bring awareness to the traumatic experience and its associated feelings. This typically involves discussing details about the event or any related memories or feelings that come up during this process. Once this has been accomplished, the therapist will then introduce bilateral stimulation techniques such as eye movements or tapping on either side of the body which can help someone reprocess those memories in a healthier way. 

During these sessions, it’s important for parents or caregivers to provide support for their child by being present during sessions if possible and helping them stay focused on their goals throughout each session. Additionally, parents should remember that EMDR isn’t a quick fix; it takes time for children to work through their issues in order for them to find relief from their trauma symptoms.

EMDR therapy has been found to be effective in helping individuals address trauma-related issues such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, phobias, nightmares, fear reactions, dissociation symptoms and more. By providing appropriate support throughout each session and encouraging your child along their journey toward healing you can help facilitate positive outcomes with EMDR therapy for your child! If you believe your child could benefit from EMDR therapy talk with your healthcare provider about setting up an appointment with an experienced therapist today!

Therapy in Brandon  

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety or trauma is especially high during the winter season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

EMDR Therapy for Children and Teens

EMDR Therapy for Children and Teens – Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy approach that has been used to help adults heal from trauma since the late 1980s. Recently, EMDR has been adapted to be used with children and teens. In this blog post, we will discuss why EMDR is particularly well-suited for child and adolescent clients, how it works, and what parents can expect from the process.

How Does EMDR Work | EMDR Therapy for Children and Teens

EMDR Therapy for Children and Teens – One of the core concepts of EMDR is that humans have a natural ability to heal after traumatic experiences. During EMDR sessions, therapists guide clients through their memories in order to bring about resolution and healing. The therapist helps the client identify particular memories or experiences that are causing distress or difficulty in functioning. The therapist then helps the client use eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation while they talk about those memories in order to process them more effectively. This process helps them form new associations with those memories that can lead to improved functioning in everyday life.

Why Is EMDR Good For Kids | EMDR Therapy for Children and Teens

EMDR Therapy for Children and Teens – EMDR therapy has many advantages over traditional talk therapy when it comes to treating children and teens. One major advantage is that it allows clients to work through their issues without having to verbalize all of their experiences. This makes it easier for young people who may not have the language skills necessary to fully explain their feelings or experiences yet still need help processing them. Additionally, because the focus of EMDR is on healing rather than talking about trauma, it can also help young people feel less overwhelmed by their emotions during therapy sessions which can make them more willing to engage in treatment.  Another benefit of using EMDR with children and teens is that it helps them gain insight into their own coping skills as well as how they interact with others which can improve communication within families and relationships outside of therapy sessions as well. Finally, since EMDR works quickly compared to traditional talk therapies (most people begin seeing results within 3-4 sessions), it can be a much more cost-effective option for families looking for help for their children or teens struggling with mental health issues related to trauma or stressors in life. 

EMDR therapy can be an effective way for kids and teens who have experienced trauma or overwhelming stressors in life to work through their issues without having to relive all aspects of the experience verbally each time they enter therapy sessions. With its fast pace, insight building capabilities, and focus on healing rather than talking about pain points from past experiences, EMDR offers kids a unique way of working through difficult emotions without feeling overwhelmed by them at any point during treatment sessions. If you think your child or teen may benefit from this type of therapeutic intervention be sure to speak with a qualified mental health professional who specializes in this type of treatment approach so you can get started on your road towards healing today!

Therapy in Brandon  

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety or trauma is especially high during the winter season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

Holidays and Mental Health: 6 Tips for a Stress-Free Christmas

Holidays and Mental Health: 6 Tips for a Stress-Free Christmas – The holidays can be a time of great joy and cheer, but it can also come with extra stress and anxiety. For those who have mental health concerns, the hustle and bustle of the season can be overwhelming. This holiday season, make sure you’re prepared to care for your mental health by taking some beneficial steps in advance. Here are some tips for having a stress-free Christmas.

Prioritize Self-Care

It’s important to take time for yourself during the holidays. Make sure that you are getting enough sleep, eating properly, exercising regularly and taking breaks when you need them. Also, don’t forget to take time out to practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, which can help reduce stress levels. Taking care of yourself is essential if you want to have a healthy mental state during this special time of year.

Setting Boundaries | Holidays and Mental Health: 6 Tips for a Stress-Free Christmas

It is important to set boundaries during the holidays, especially when it comes to managing stress. Don’t feel obligated to attend every party or function you are invited too. Don’t worry if you can’t afford all the gifts you would like to buy your loved ones, or if there is not enough time to bake everyone’s favorite holiday treats. It is OK to say no and set boundaries around what you can reasonably do during this busy time of year.

Creating a Routine

Routines are an important part of staying mentally healthy, especially when your schedule changes drastically due to holidays and vacations. Try incorporating activities that make you feel relaxed into your daily routine – things like yoga, meditation, or reading a book – all great for helping reduce stress levels and promoting relaxation. If possible, establish a sleep schedule and stick with it throughout the holidays so that your body gets used to going to bed at a certain time each night which helps maintain both physical and mental health.

Practicing Gratitude | Holidays and Mental Health: 6 Tips for a Stress-Free Christmas

During difficult times like these, it’s essential that we take moments out of our day for reflection and gratitude practice. Reflecting on what has gone right in our lives helps boost moods and increase happiness levels overall – something particularly helpful when encountering stressful situations during the holiday season! Make sure you practice self-care by taking some extra time for yourself each day – whether it’s journaling or doing something creative like painting or drawing – just something small that will make your day better! 

Set Boundaries

The holidays are often filled with friends and family gathering together for celebrations. While this is certainly enjoyable, it can also be stressful if you feel like there’s too much pressure on you from social obligations or expectations from others. To prevent this kind of overwhelm, set boundaries in advance about how much time and energy you want to dedicate to different activities or events over the course of the Christmas season. This will help ensure that you aren’t feeling overwhelmed or stressed out by all the holiday preparations or events.

Seek Professional Help | Holidays and Mental Health: 6 Tips for a Stress-Free Christmas

If your holiday stress starts to become too overwhelming, there’s no shame in seeking professional help from a mental health specialist. A qualified therapist can offer advice and support on how to manage your feelings during this time while providing valuable insight into any underlying issues that may be causing your distress. Don’t hesitate to reach out if needed; sometimes a few simple conversations with a trained expert can make all the difference in helping you get through trying times like these!                                                                                                                           

Caring for your mental health during the holiday season is just as important as any other time of year—if not more so! Taking small steps like prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries with others, and reaching out for professional help when needed can go a long way towards making sure that this Christmas is one filled with peace and joy instead of stress and anxiety. Be kind to yourself this holiday season!

Therapy in Brandon

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety is especially high during the fall season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

6 Holistic Tips For Reducing Holiday Stress

6 Holistic Tips For Reducing Holiday Stress  – The holidays are supposed to be a joyous time of year, yet for many people the holidays can be filled with stress and anxiety. From buying presents to traveling and dealing with family dynamics, there are plenty of things that can increase our stress levels during this special time of year. So how can we best cope with holiday stress? Let’s look at some effective strategies for managing our emotions during the holiday season.

1). Identify Your Sources of Stress | 6 Holistic Tips For Reducing Holiday Stress

6 Holistic Tips For Reducing Holiday Stress – One of the first steps in managing holiday stress is identifying the sources that are causing it. It could be something as simple as feeling overwhelmed by all the tasks you have to complete or it could be something more complicated like family dynamics or financial worries. Once you identify your sources of stress, you can then take action to address them.

2). Practice Self-Care | 6 Holistic Tips For Reducing Holiday Stress

It’s important to practice self-care during this busy time of year so that you don’t become overwhelmed or burnt out. Make sure to give yourself adequate rest and relaxation, get regular exercise, eat healthy meals, and make time for activities that bring you joy. This will help replenish your energy levels and give you the strength to face whatever challenges come your way this holiday season.

3). Take Time for Yourself

The best way to combat stress is to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself first. This means setting aside time each day for yourself—even if it’s just 10 minutes—where you can do something that relaxes you such as reading a book or journaling. Taking a break away from all the hustle and bustle will help give you perspective and allow you to come back refreshed and ready to tackle whatever comes next.

4). Set Realistic Expectations | 6 Holistic Tips For Reducing Holiday Stress

Another way to overcome holiday stress is by setting realistic expectations for yourself. While it’s important to have goals set out for what you want to accomplish during the holidays, it’s also important not to put too much pressure on yourself. Remember that perfection isn’t possible and that it’s okay if things don’t turn out exactly as planned. As long as everyone is healthy and happy at the end of the day, then that’s what really matters!     

5). Set Boundaries

6 Holistic Tips For Reducing Holiday Stress – If certain tasks or interactions are causing too much stress during the holidays, it may be necessary to set boundaries so that you don’t feel overwhelmed or taken advantage of. For example, if spending too much money on gifts is a source of stress for you then set a budget and sticks to it! If planning family dinners is too much work then delegate tasks among other relatives so everyone has an equal share in making sure everything runs smoothly. Setting boundaries will help ensure that your needs are being met while also ensuring that everyone else’s needs are being respected as well.

6). Focus on What You Can Control

Finally, try not to focus too much on things that are out of your control such as other people’s behavior or events beyond your control. Instead, focus on what you can actually control such as planning ahead for events or ensuring that everyone has what they need when they come over for dinner or other festivities. Taking small steps every day towards your goal will help ensure that everything runs more smoothly in the end. 

The holidays should be a happy and enjoyable time but they can often become stressful if we allow ourselves to become overwhelmed by all the tasks we have to do and all the expectations we put on ourselves. By taking some proactive steps such as identifying our sources of stress, practicing self-care, and setting boundaries we can better manage our emotions this holiday season so that we can truly enjoy all the festivities without feeling overwhelmed or burnt out! Happy Holidays!

Therapy in Brandon

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety is especially high during the fall season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

4 Tips of Self-Reflection During the Holidays | Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre

4 Tips of Self-Reflection During the Holidays – While the Christmas season is often associated with joy and anticipation, it can also be a stressful or even depressing time for some. With the hustle and bustle of shopping and visiting family, it can be easy to get caught up in all the activity and forget about taking care of your mental health. Here are four tips for self-reflection during Christmas that can help you find balance and peace during this holiday season.

1). Take Time For Yourself – 4 Tips of Self-Reflection During the Holidays

The holidays should not be a time of overworking yourself, but rather a time to relax, reflect, and enjoy the little things. Taking breaks throughout the day to meditate or just take a few moments to clear your head can help you maintain your mental wellbeing during this hectic season. Even if you only have five minutes to spare each day, making sure you’re taking quality time for yourself is essential for maintaining balance in your life.

2). Be Mindful of Your Surroundings – 4 Tips of Self-Reflection During the Holidays

It’s important to remember that while some people may love being around large groups of people during the holidays, others may not feel as comfortable in these situations. Make sure to be mindful of both your own needs as well as those around you. If you’re feeling overwhelmed in social settings, try stepping out for a few moments to take a break from the chaos or suggest an activity that allows everyone to unwind together like playing board games or watching movies.

3). Express Gratitude

It’s so easy to get caught up in what we don’t have that we sometimes forget about all that we do have in our lives! Taking time each day to express gratitude for what we have—even if it’s something small—can help us remember how blessed we truly are and bring more positivity into our lives. Writing down three things every day that you’re thankful for is an excellent way to practice gratitude!

4). Get Outside – 4 Tips of Self-Reflection During the Holidays

Spending some time outdoors can do wonders for our mental wellbeing! Whether it’s going on a walk through nature or just sitting outside on your patio or balcony enjoying some fresh air, getting out into nature helps us reset mentally and emotionally so that when we come back inside we feel refreshed and ready to tackle anything! Plus, wintertime offers its own unique beauty with snow falling on trees and rooftops—so make sure to take advantage of this tranquil season by getting outside whenever possible!

Self-reflection during Christmas is an important part of making sure you stay sane throughout this hectic season! Taking some extra time each day for yourself (whether it be meditating, practicing gratitude, or getting outside) will help keep your spirits high while still allowing you enough energy to enjoy all that this festive season has to offer! So don’t forget make sure you’re taking proper care of yourself during this holiday season so that when January rolls around you’ll be feeling healthy both physically and mentally!

Therapy in Brandon

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety is especially high during the fall season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

Group Therapy: How It Can Help Youth and College Students

Group Therapy: How It Can Help Youth and College Students – Group therapy is an invaluable tool in the mental health field. It can be used to help youth, college students, and other individuals who may be dealing with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or even trauma. While one-on-one therapy sessions are often beneficial, group therapy adds an element of connection and support that can make a significant difference in the healing process. Let’s take a look at how group therapy works and the benefits it provides for teens and college students.

How Group Therapy Works

Group therapy is typically facilitated by one or more licensed mental health professionals, depending on the size of the group. During each session, members will have an opportunity to share their experiences and interact with each other in a safe and supportive environment. Each session typically focuses on a particular topic related to mental health, such as coping strategies for stress management or developing healthy communication skills. At times, members may also have the chance to practice new skills with guidance from the facilitator(s).

Benefits of Group Therapy for Teens & College Students

Group therapy has numerous benefits that can help teens and college students manage their mental health issues while also providing them with valuable life skills. One of these benefits is the sense of community that comes from being part of a group setting where everyone has similar struggles or goals. This allows individuals to not only learn from each other but also feel that they are not alone in their struggles. Additionally, group therapy can provide an opportunity for greater self-awareness by allowing members to gain insight into how their behavior affects themselves as well as those around them. Finally, it can teach important problem-solving skills that will serve individuals long after they graduate from counseling sessions. 

Group therapy is a powerful tool when it comes to helping children, teenagers, and college students manage their mental health issues in a safe and supportive environment. It provides individuals with a sense of community while also teaching valuable life skills such as problem solving and communication techniques that will help them long after they leave counseling sessions. If you are considering group therapy for your teen or college student, be sure to find out what types of groups are available in your area so you can decide which option is best for them!

Therapy in Brandon

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety is especially high during the fall season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

Exploring Group Therapy For Youth | Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre

Group therapy is a great way for youth to come together and develop a sense of camaraderie and understanding with those who are going through similar issues. It is also a platform for young people to feel seen and heard in a safe and secure environment. Here we explore the benefits of group therapy, when it should be used, and how it can benefit young people.

Benefits of Group Therapy

In group therapy settings, participants have the opportunity to share similar experiences while learning from each other’s successes or struggles. This type of setting helps children learn to trust one another, build relationships, practice communication skills, develop problem-solving methods, gain new perspectives on their circumstances, and uncover areas where they can grow in terms of personal development. Group therapy creates an atmosphere that gives participants a sense of belonging as well as the opportunity to give and receive support from their peers.

When Should Group Therapy Be Used?

Group therapy should be used when individual counseling or family counseling is not enough to get the desired results. It can also be used in conjunction with these methods – especially if there are multiple members in the family going through difficult times or if there are many different types of issues that need to be addressed within the same session. Group therapies may also help youth build better relationships with friends or family members who are unable to attend individual sessions due to scheduling conflicts or lack of resources.

How Can Group Therapy Benefit Young People?

Group therapy can help young people gain insight into their own beliefs and emotions related to certain situations. Through this process, they can learn more about themselves as well as others by listening and sharing stories with each other. Additionally, group therapy allows young people to develop empathy towards others who may have gone through similar traumas or experiences; this helps them become more compassionate individuals able to understand different perspectives on difficult topics such as anxiety or depression. Finally, group therapy offers an outlet for young people to express themselves without fear of judgement or criticism since everyone in the group understands what they’re going through – making it easier for them to open up about things they wouldn’t normally talk about outside of such settings.

Group therapy is not only an effective tool for helping youth reduce stress levels but it can also be beneficial for those dealing with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, trauma-related challenges, etc. It provides a platform for teens and children alike where they can openly discuss their feelings without fear of judgement from those around them which makes it easier for them to truly express themselves without inhibition or hesitation so that they may move forward in life feeling empowered by their own unique story while being surrounded by like-minded individuals who can relate and offer support during challenging times.

Additionally, group therapies are often much more affordable than traditional one-on-one counseling which makes it an even more attractive option for families looking for support at an accessible price point. Ultimately, group therapy is a wonderful option for helping youth live healthier lives both emotionally and mentally – something every parent should consider exploring if their child needs additional guidance during difficult times!

Therapy in Brandon

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety is especially high during the fall season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

6 Self-Care Activities | Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre

6 Self-Care Activities – Every now and again, it’s important we spend time to take care of ourselves in order to lower stress levels and maintain healthy lives. Many times we get so caught up in meeting everyone else’s needs that we neglect the most important person in our lives–ourselves!

So here are six easy self-care activities you can try (that won’t cost you anything):

Go for a Walk

man facing road

Thirty minutes of walking does wonders to improve a person’s well-being. You can take a quick lap or two around the neighborhood during lunch, or you can explore your favorite park on a rainy day. Either way, exercise is a tried and true self-care technique and comes with the added bonus of health benefits.

Read a Book | 6 Self-Care Activities | Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre

Reading books is another great way to decompress and relieve stress. Local libraries have plenty of reading areas to enjoy your favorite topics. And, unlike television or radio, reading requires your full attention, meaning you can minimize distractions more easily and become fully focused on the topic at hand.

Isolate Yourself

Sometimes it’s helpful to be in a quiet location to gather your thoughts. Isolation can help you do this: for thirty minutes, find an empty room at your home or workplace that’s free from distractions or other people. Don’t do anything for the thirty minutes; just contemplate everything on your mind. By spending time with yourself you may find it easier to get answers to your most pressing questions at hand.

Write it Down | 6 Self-Care Activities | Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre

Have you ever considered keeping a journal? Writing down your thoughts and feelings on a regular basis is another great self-care technique that allows you to vent in a creative manner. You can even come back to old writings and learn about yourself at a particular moment in time.

In addition to writing, drawing also does wonders for self-care. Take some paper and sketch what’s on your mind–you might be surprised at what comes out!

Take a Warm Shower | 6 Self-Care Activities | Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre

Another self-care technique you can try is a nice, long shower. There’s something therapeutic about taking a shower: feeling the warm water against your skin, hearing the water hit the tub, smelling the soap…and knowing you’ll be clean at the end of it! Spend thirty minutes with the suds and refresh your mind while you’re there.

Listen to Music

Got a favorite song you like to listen to? Then put on some headphones and have at it! Listening to music is another free self-care activity that can get you through the day. Music has a way of evoking emotions we try to keep hidden in ourselves. But by letting them come to the forefront, we can actually detox and feel better afterwards.

People need outlets for channeling whatever they’re feeling at a particular time in order to remain balanced. But sometimes we aren’t always able to make use of these outlets due to money, time constraints, or obligations to others.

The best way to take care of others is to take care of yourself. So, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, give these six self-care activities a try or, better yet, take a day to combine them all. Small actions often make the biggest impacts.

Therapy in Brandon

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety is especially high during the fall season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

How Self-Reflection Can Improve Your Mental Health | Bliss Counselling & Mental Health

How Self-Reflection Can Improve Your Mental Health – Self-reflection is an important part of mental health. It is the act of taking a step back and evaluating your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Taking time to self-reflect can help you gain a better understanding of yourself, as well as how your actions may be impacting those around you. It allows you to gain perspective on difficult situations and make informed decisions about your life. Here are three ways that self-reflection can improve your mental health.

Enhances Your Emotional Intelligence

Self-reflection helps build emotional intelligence by allowing you to understand how your emotions affect your behavior and decision making. With this understanding, you can gain insight into why you feel the way you do in certain situations, how those emotions are impacting others around you, and how to manage them in an effective manner. This increased emotional intelligence will help you be more aware of yourself and others in the future, which can have a positive impact on your relationships with family, friends, and colleagues alike.

Identifies Areas for Improvement | How Self-Reflection Can Improve Your Mental Health

Self-reflection also gives us insight into areas we can improve upon or change our behavior in order to become better versions of ourselves. By analyzing our thoughts and actions from an objective point of view, we can identify patterns that may be causing stress or negative consequences in our lives – such as overworking or procrastinating – and then come up with solutions for these issues that will benefit us long term. Through self-reflection we can also discover new interests or passions that might lead us down a different path than we thought was possible before.                                                                                                    

 Increases Self-Awareness | How Self-Reflection Can Improve Your Mental Health                         

Finally, self-reflection helps increase our level of self-awareness by teaching us more about who we are as individuals and what our personal values are. This understanding will help us make decisions based on what is important to us instead of simply going with the flow or following someone else’s lead without truly considering its effects on our own lives first — leading to more positive outcomes overall. Increased self-awareness also gives us the opportunity to recognize potential triggers that could cause stress in the future — such as certain people or places — so that we can avoid them when necessary in order to keep ourselves safe mentally and physically. 

Overall, taking the time for regular self-reflection is essential for any individual who wants to improve their mental health long term — especially parents, caregivers, teens, youth, children! Not only does it enhance emotional intelligence but it also identifies areas for improvement while increasing our levels of self-awareness overall — all key elements necessary for taking control over our lives and achieving true happiness within ourselves! So take some time today for introspection — it just might be one of the best things you ever do!

Therapy in Brandon

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety is especially high during the fall season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

Seasonal Affective Disorder in Children and Teens | Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre

Seasonal Affective Disorder in Children and Teens – Seasonal affective disorder, also known as SAD, is a type of depression that occurs during the fall and winter months. SAD is more common in young people than adults, and it can be especially hard on teens and tweens who are dealing with hormonal changes, school stress, and social pressures. Here’s what you need to know about seasonal affective disorder in children and teens.

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder? | Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre

grayscale portrait of woman

Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that occurs during the fall and winter months. SAD is more common in young people than adults, and it can be especially hard on teens and tweens who are dealing with hormonal changes, school stress, and social pressures. The exact cause of SAD is unknown, but it is believed to be related to the shorter days and reduced sunlight exposure during the fall and winter months.

Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder

The most common symptom of seasonal affective disorder is feelings of sadness or depression that occur during the fall and winter months. Other symptoms of SAD may include:

  • Loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyable
  • fatigue or low energy levels
  • difficulty concentrating
  • changes in appetite or weight
  • social withdrawal
  • irritability

What Can You Do About Seasonal Affective Disorder?                                             

If your child or teen is showing signs of seasonal affective disorder, there are several things you can do to help them cope with the condition. Some simple lifestyle changes—such as getting outside for a daily walk or ensuring that they’re getting enough sleep—can make a big difference. You may also want to consider light therapy, which involves sitting near a special light box for 30 minutes each day. If your child’s symptoms are severe, you may want to talk to their doctor about medication options.

Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that occurs during the fall and winter months. It’s more common in young people than adults, and it can be especially hard on teens and tweens who are dealing with hormonal changes, school stress, and social pressures. If your child or teen is showing signs of seasonal affective disorder, there are several things you can do to help them cope with the condition. Some simple lifestyle changes—such as getting outside for a daily walk or ensuring that they’re getting enough sleep—can make a big difference. You may also want to consider light therapy, which involves sitting near a special light box for 30 minutes each day. If your child’s symptoms are severe, you may want to talk to their doctor about medication options.

Therapy in Brandon

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your depression is especially high during the fall season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

6 Hacks for Burnout and Overwhelm | Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre

6 Hacks for Burnout and Overwhelm – Dealing with burnout or being overwhelmed are both consequences of high amounts of stress. With overwhelm, you might be experiencing stress for a long time, which leads you to becoming overwhelmed with everything you are thinking and dealing with at the same time.

Burnout is similar, though it is typically when you become so exhausted mentally and physically, then it can affect your work, motivation, and energy.

Here are some hacks and tips that will help you to overcome both burnout and overwhelm.

1. A Healthy Body Means a Healthy Mind

Getting past your burnout, stress, and overwhelm always starts with your physical health. Not just because stress can affect you physically and actually make you ill, but because when you eat right and exercise, it has a long list of benefits for you.

If you want a healthy mind, you need to start with a healthy body. This means eating a healthy, well-balanced diet with lots of fruits, veggies, lean protein, and whole grains. Get regular exercise and don’t forget to drink your water each day.

These small changes will make a big difference in your physical health, which will in turn help your mental health as well.

2. Stop Focusing on Time | 6 Hacks for Burnout and Overwhelm

Everything is always about time. Making time for your family, making time for work, looking at the clock every few minutes during your workday, trying to get out of the house with enough time to spare. All of this focus on time, whether it is time you feel you wasted, time to get stuff done, and feeling like your time is running out, causes a lot of unnecessary stress.

There are certain aspects of life where time is relevant, such as getting to an appointment or meeting on time, but don’t make your entire life revolve around time. It can be very overwhelming.

3. Stay Mindful of Positive Changes and a Better Outlook

When you have full-on burnout, it can be hard to use standard stress relief methods. By this point, you are having trouble just getting the bare minimum done, especially when you add in stress and overwhelm at the same time.

Instead of putting too much pressure on yourself, just start slow. One excellent “hack” to use is to be mindful during one moment every day. During that moment, give yourself a few minutes to re-focus your energy from a negative thing to a positive thing.

Maybe you are in your office after a meeting that caused you a lot of stress and tension, so you sit for 5 minutes and are mindful about something positive you feel right now.

This could be gratitude for this job you worked so hard for, happiness for your family and friends, or just understanding that the stressful situation is over and now you can appreciate you got through it.

4. Don’t Work Through Lunch | 6 Hacks for Burnout and Overwhelm

Stop working non stop! Working more is NOT going to help you overcome burnout. You need a break. Your body and mind need rest. If you work too much all week long, then when the weekend comes, you have no energy left to live your life.

One small thing you can start doing right now is taking proper lunch breaks. Stop eating lunch at your desk, and stop talking to people on your phone when you’re eating lunch out of the office. Turn off your phone, enjoy this time, be mindful of your meal, and just relax. Work will be there waiting for you when your break is over.

5. Find What Gives You Positive Energy

Look for that thing in each day that makes you feel positive and happy. This is going to encourage more positive energy, which can then help to relieve some of the stress and tension you have been experiencing.

Again, this will be unique to you and your situation. It can be related to your home, your job, people in your life, achieving your goals, having accomplished something you put your mind to, being more physically healthy, losing weight, just about anything. Sky’s the limit on this one.

6. Start Saying No | 6 Hacks for Burnout and Overwhelm

Even if you have always been the person other people can count on to help them, you don’t have to be everything to everyone. You have every right to say no to hosting a party, declining an offer to go out on your only night off this week, to doing an extra project at work.

You need to learn how to say no when you are already overwhelmed with all your own responsibilities.

Therapy in Brandon

If you find that you’re feeling burnout more than often, or you’re noticing that your stress or anxiety is especially high during the fall season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

How Gratitude Can Help You Find Your Ikigai

How Gratitude Can Help You Find Your Ikigai – We all have moments in our lives when we feel lost and uncertain of our purpose. But what if there was a way to find guidance and direction? According to Japanese philosophy, there is a way. It’s called ikigai, and it can be found at the intersection of what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can get paid for. And gratitude may be the key to finding it.

What Is Ikigai?

Ikigai (pronounced ee-kee-guy) is a Japanese philosophy that centers around the idea that everyone has a reason to wake up in the morning. In order to find your ikigai, you must first answer four questions: What do you love? What are you good at? What does the world need? And what can you get paid for? Once you’ve answered these questions, your ikigai is waiting for you at the intersection. For example, my ikigai is writing. I love writing, I’m good at writing, the world needs stories, and I can get paid for writing them.

How Gratitude Can Help You Find Your Ikigai

Gratitude helps us focus on the positive.

When we’re feeling grateful, we’re automatically thinking about the good things in our lives. This positive focus can help shift our mindset from scarcity to abundance, which is essential for finding our ikigai. When we believe there is enough good to go around, we open ourselves up to new opportunities and possibilities. We start to see the world—and ourselves—in a different light. And that’s when the magic happens.

Gratitude helps us connect with others | How Gratitude Can Help You Find Your Ikigai

Gratitude also helps us connect with other people. When we’re grateful for what we have, we’re more likely to want to share our good fortune with others. We become more generous and compassionate, two qualities that are essential for finding our ikigai. Why? Because our ikigai often has everything to do with making a difference in the lives of others. When we cultivate gratitude, we set the stage for making a positive impact on the world around us.

Gratitude helps us stay present.

Last but not least, gratitude helps us stay present in the moment. When we’re caught up in worry or stress, it’s difficult to see all the good that’s right in front of us. But when we’re grateful, we naturally become more mindful of our surroundings. We start to notice the little things—the things that make life worth living. And that’s when we begin to get clues about what our ikigai might be.

Your ikigai is out there waiting for you. It’s the intersection of what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs, and what you can get paid for. And gratitude may be the key to finding it. When you’re feeling lost and uncertain of your purpose, take a step back and look at all the things you’re grateful for. This could be your family, your friends, your health, your job, or anything else that brings joy to your life. Once you start looking for the good, it’s easier to see all possibilities in front of you—including your ikigai.

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety is especially high during the fall season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong
, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

Why Anxiety and Depression Can Get Worse in the Fall

Why Anxiety and Depression Can Get Worse in the Fall – While fall is the favorite season among many people, others struggle with it because of how it affects their mental health. You might be one of the unlucky people who have a hard time with your emotional state in the fall, dealing with worsened anxiety and depression. Here is more information about why this might be happening and what you can do about it.

What is Autumn Anxiety?

The first mental health change you might notice in the fall season is with your anxiety. Many people have noticed that their anxiety seems to peak around the time fall begins – but why? This is sometimes referred to as autumn anxiety, a type of anxiety that is triggered by the fall season. This is because the change between summer and fall can often feel like a drastic one. Your days get shorter, the weather changes, your routine is different, holidays are coming up, and it just feels like everything is different and more stressful.

Dealing with Seasonal Depression | Why Anxiety and Depression Can Get Worse in the Fall

You might also be someone who has worsened depression in the fall, which can happen for a number of different reasons. However, the most common reason is from seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. SAD is often the result of the seasons changing, particularly with the gloomier, darker weather you get in the fall and winter. If you live somewhere with a lot of rain and cold days in the fall, then you are likely to get it this time of year.

It can give you all the same symptoms as other forms of depression, including mood changes, low energy, lack of motivation, lethargy, and simply feeling blue.

What You Can Do About it

While it can be difficult getting through the fall season with anxiety and/or depression, you are not alone, and there IS help available to you. Here are some ways to get relief from your anxiety and depression this season:

  • Light therapy for SAD – If you suffer from SAD, one of the best options for you is light therapy. SAD typically occurs in the fall and winter because of the longer nights, darker days, and gloomy weather. Naturally, light therapy, called phototherapy, is the way to go. There are light boxes you can use indoors that give you bright light to reduce those depression symptoms.
  • Writing in a journal – Journaling is a simple daily practice that can help with both anxiety and depression.
  • Practicing your breathing exercises – Breathing exercises help with anxiety the most, allowing you to be mindful for a few minutes, and focus on relaxing your mind and body. They are also fantastic for getting through a panic attack.
  • Seeking professional help – Please do not hesitate to reach out to a doctor or therapist if you need medication or talk therapy. There is so much they can help you with when your anxiety or depression is too much to handle.

If you’re noticing that your anxiety is worse in the fall, know that you’re not alone. This is a common experience for many people. However, it’s important to understand why this happens and how to manage your autumn anxiety. If you want more information about autumn anxiety or any other type of mental health concern, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We would be happy to help you get the support and resources that you need.

Therapy in Brandon

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety is especially high during the fall season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

About the Author

photo of Counsellor Emem

Emem Iniobong, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

EMDR and Anxiety

EMDR and Anxiety – If you suffer from anxiety, you’re not alone. In fact, anxiety disorders are some of the most common mental health conditions in the United States, affecting 40 million adults each year. While there are many treatment options available, one that has shown promising results is eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR). But what is EMDR, and how does it work? Let’s take a closer look.

What Is EMDR – EMDR and Anxiety

EMDR is a type of therapy that was developed in the 1980s to help treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Since then, it has been found to be effective for treating a variety of other conditions, including anxiety.

EMDR therapy consists of eight phases:

  1. History taking: The therapist will ask you about your medical history, symptoms, and any traumas you have experienced.
  2. Preparation: The therapist will explain the EMDR process and help you develop coping skills to deal with any distress that may arise during the session.
  3. Assessment: The therapist will identify specific events that trigger your anxiety and help you develop positive beliefs about yourself.
  4. Desensitization: The therapist will use bilateral stimulation (usually eye movements) to help you process the negative emotions associated with your trigger events.
  5. Installation: The therapist will help you reinforce the positive beliefs you developed in phase three.
  6. Body scan: The therapist will help you become aware of any physical sensations you experience in your body when thinking about your trigger events.
  7. Closure: The therapist will help you develop coping skills to deal with any residual distress from the session.
  8. Reevaluation: The therapist will assess your progress and determine if additional sessions are necessary.

How Does EMDR Work?

It’s believed that EMDR works by helping you process and integrate traumatic memories into your existing schema (i.e., the way you understand and make sense of the world). When we experience trauma, our brain doesn’t process the event like a normal memory; instead, it gets “stuck” in our limbic system—the emotional center of our brain—and becomes unprocessed sensory data. This can lead to difficulties down the road, such as sleep problems, flashbacks, anxiety, and depression. EMDR appears to help “unstick” these memories so that they can be processed normally and integrated into our schema .

This theory is supported by research showing that bilateral stimulation helps reduce activity in the amygdala—the part of the brain responsible for fear response—and increases activity in the hippocampus—the part of the brain responsible for memory formation . In other words, EMDR may work by helping to reduce fear response and improve memory formation . However, more research is needed to confirm this theory .                                                                                                                                                           

If you’re struggling with anxiety, know that you’re not alone—anxiety disorders are some of the most common mental health conditions in America today. Thankfully, there are many treatment options available, one of which is EMDR. EMDR therapy has shown promising results for treating anxiety and other mental health conditions. If you think EMDR might be right for you call or send an email about getting started with therapy .

The Power of Gratitude

The power of gratitude – We’ve all heard that old saying, “Count your blessings.” It turns out there may be some truth to that. A growing body of research suggests that gratitude may have a powerful impact on our mental health, can reduce stress, improve sleep, and increase overall well-being. Let’s take a closer look at what the science says about gratitude and mental health and how gratitude can improve your mental health.

The Science of Gratitude

A number of studies have found that gratitude is associated with greater levels of well-being. In one study, participants were asked to keep a weekly journal in which they recorded their thoughts and feelings about various life events. The findings showed that participants who wrote about things they were grateful for were more likely to report higher levels of well-being than those who did not focus on gratitude.

Other studies have found that gratitude may also help reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, and boost self-esteem. One study even found that gratitude may help protect against depression. Given all these potential benefits, it’s no wonder why so many people are interested in incorporating gratitude into their lives.

The Benefits of Gratitude | The Power of Gratitude

Giving thanks has been shown to have a number of benefits for mental health. For example, gratitude can:

  • Reduce stress: In one study, participants who wrote about things they were grateful for had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
  • Improve sleep: Another study found that people who kept a gratitude journal slept better and felt more rested in the morning.
  • Increase overall well-being: Research shows that gratitude is linked with increased feelings of happiness and satisfaction with life.

How to Incorporate Gratitude Into Your Life

If you’re looking to add more gratitude into your life, here are a few suggestions:

  • Keep a gratitude journal: Every night before bed, write down three things you’re grateful for. This can be something as simple as “I’m grateful for my bed” or “I’m grateful for my family.”
  • Write thank-you notes: Whenever someone does something nice for you, take the time to write them a thank-you note. This can be an email, text, or even a handwritten letter.
  • Express gratitude to others: When you see someone doing something kind or helpful, tell them how much you appreciate their act of kindness. A simple “thank you” can go a long way.

Gratitude is more than just saying “thank you.” It’s an emotion that can have a powerful impact on your mental health. If you’re looking to reduce stress, improve sleep, and increase overall well-being, try incorporating some of these suggestions into your life. You may be surprised at how much difference it makes! For more info on how to incorporate gratitude to your routine call now

The Importance of Focusing on What You Can Control to Improve Your Mental Health

In today’s hectic world, it’s easy to become bogged down in all the things we can’t control. From the never-ending news cycle to relationship drama, there’s always something vying for our attention and stressing us out. It’s important to remember, though, that we can’t control everything. What we can control is how we react to and deal with the things life throws our way. Here are a few tips on how to focus on what you can control to improve your mental health.

Take Time for Yourself Every Day – Focusing on What You Can Control

One of the most important things you can do for your mental health is to take some time for yourself every day. Whether it’s reading your favorite book, taking a relaxing bath, going for a walk outdoors, or anything else that brings you joy, carve out at least 30 minutes each day to do something that’s just for you. This will help you relax and recharge so that you’re better able to deal with whatever life throws your way.

Focus on Your Relationships

Another important aspect of mental health is focusing on your relationships. Spend time with loved ones, reach out to old friends, or join a club or group where you can meet new people. Nurturing your relationships will help you feel connected and supported, which can be crucial when times are tough.

Take care of Your Body 

It’s important to remember that your mental health is intrinsically linked to your physical health. Make sure you’re eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. Taking care of your body will help improve your overall mood and well-being.

Asking for Help – Focusing on What You Can Control

It’s easy to get caught up in what we can’t control and let that affect our mental health. While we can’t always control what happens to us, we can control how we react and how we take care of ourselves. Asking for help is a great way to focus on what you can control and improve your mental health. When we ask for help, we’re taking charge of our lives and our wellbeing. We’re choosing to reach out and get support from others. This can be a really important step in taking care of our mental health. Asking for help shows that we’re willing to do what it takes to improve our mental health and wellbeing. It’s a sign of strength, not weakness. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed or struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. You deserve it.

Remember that you can’t control everything in life, but you can control how you react to and deal with situations. By taking care of yourself, focusing on your relationships, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and asking for help, you can improve your mental health and wellbeing.

Conquering Exam Anxiety: A Guide for Teens, Parents, and Educators

Exams can be daunting. Whether you’re a student dreading the test, a parent worried about your child, or an educator aiming to provide support, exam anxiety is a challenge that affects us all. This form of stress has a considerable impact on academic performance, mental health, and confidence, leaving many young people feeling overwhelmed.

The good news? Exam anxiety is manageable with the right strategies and support system. This blog dives into how exam stress affects teens and youths, then offers actionable steps to overcome it and achieve academic success without sacrificing mental well-being.

The Effects of Exam Anxiety

Exam anxiety, often defined as excessive worry and fear surrounding tests, is not just “nerves” or “butterflies.” When unmanaged, it can spiral into a cycle of poor performance and emotional setbacks. Let’s take a closer look at how it impacts students.

Academic Performance

Anxiety can impair cognitive functions critical for exam success, such as focus, memory, and problem-solving skills. For example, a teen may find that they forget everything they’ve studied the minute they glance at the first question. This creates a frustrating cycle where the fear of failure leads to stress, which then triggers poor test performance. Over time, this can result in declining grades and low academic confidence.

Mental and Emotional Well-being

Exam anxiety doesn’t just disappear when the test ends. It can seep into a student’s everyday life through sleepless nights, fatigue, irritability, or even feelings of hopelessness. Chronic stress also increases the risk of mental health concerns, including depression and general anxiety disorders. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, over 60% of students report feeling overwhelmed or stressed before exams.

Long-term Educational Goals

When left unaddressed, exam anxiety can lead some students to avoid challenging subjects, drop elective courses, or even abandon degree pathways altogether. Sadly, this can limit their full potential, leaving them discouraged and unmotivated about their futures.

While it’s vital to recognize the detrimental effects of exam anxiety, it’s just as important to know there are proven methods to manage and overcome it.

Breaking Free from Exam Anxiety

Students don’t need to face exam stress alone. Here are practical strategies that teens, parents, and educators can employ to reduce anxiety and encourage successful outcomes.

For Students

Students can take control of their exam preparation and well-being with these mindful techniques:

  1. Create a Study Plan

Spread your study sessions out over time instead of cramming the day before. Organize your schedule with manageable goals for each session, focusing on one topic or subject at a time.

  1. Practice Positive Self-Talk

Replace negative thoughts like “I’m going to fail” with affirmations like “I’ve prepared well, and I’ll do my best.” Believing in yourself makes a huge difference in calming nerves.

  1. Learn Relaxation Techniques

Incorporate strategies such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to ground yourself and regain focus when anxiety kicks in.

  1. Take Study Breaks

Studying for hours without a break can cause burnout. Use the Pomodoro technique (25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break) to stay sharp and refreshed.

  1. Practice with Mock Tests

Simulate the exam environment by taking practice tests under timed conditions. This reduces the fear of the unknown and boosts confidence through familiarity.

  1. Ask for Help

If you’re struggling with a topic or subject, don’t hesitate to reach out to teachers, tutors, or classmates for clarification and guidance.

For Parents

Parents play a critical role in shaping a student’s response to exam stress. Support them by fostering open communication and creating a positive environment.

  1. Encourage Healthy Lifestyles

Balanced meals, exercise, and sufficient sleep are essential for optimal brain function and stress management. Make sure your teen isn’t sacrificing their well-being in a bid to study longer.

  1. Discuss Expectations Openly

Avoid adding pressure by setting unrealistic standards. Instead, focus on your child’s effort rather than their results. Statements like “I’m proud of how hard you’re working” provide reassurance and emotional support.

  1. Be Available to Listen

Give your child space to express their fears and concerns. Knowing they have a judgment-free zone where their emotions are validated can make a world of difference.

  1. Limit Comparisons

Resist the urge to compare your child to their peers or siblings. This adds unnecessary stress and reinforces doubts about their abilities.

For Educators

Teachers and school staff can contribute to easing exam anxiety by creating a supportive learning environment.

  1. Integrate Stress-Reduction Workshops

Organize sessions with mental health professionals to teach students practical stress management techniques, such as mindfulness exercises or how to prepare for exams effectively.

  1. Provide Practice Resources

Offer sample questions, past exams, or study guides to familiarize students with what to expect. Consider introducing manageable, low-stakes assessments as training wheels.

  1. Create an Inclusive Classroom

Normalize conversations around stress and mental health. Remind students that experiencing anxiety doesn’t mean they’re weak or incapable; it’s something everyone faces at some point.

  1. Offer Individualized Support

Some students may need extra attention or accommodations, such as extended time during exams or one-on-one tutoring. Work closely with school counselors to ensure every student’s needs are met.

Empowering Students to Succeed

Exam anxiety doesn’t have to dictate a student’s academic future. Whether you’re a student tackling test stress, a parent offering support, or an educator equipping learners with tools, small changes can lead to significant results.

By addressing exam anxiety head-on, students can approach exams with confidence, focus, and resilience. More importantly, they’ll develop essential life skills to handle future challenges—both academic and personal.

For parents and educators seeking additional strategies or expert advice, feel free to connect with us directly. Together, we can empower students to transform anxiety into motivation and achieve their best results!

Therapy in Brandon  

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety or trauma is especially high during the winter season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

About the Author
Emem Iniobong, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.

Conquering Exam Anxiety in Teens and Youths

Exams can be daunting for students, inducing stress that not only impacts mental health but also hinders performance. Exam anxiety is a common challenge faced by teens and youths, yet it is often misunderstood or overlooked. For students, parents, and educators alike, understanding exam anxiety and learning strategies to manage it is critical for fostering both academic success and emotional well-being.

This blog dives into the causes and effects of exam anxiety, providing practical tools and actionable solutions to help students overcome this hurdle. Whether you’re a student preparing for exams, a parent eager to provide the right support, or an educator dedicated to creating a stress-free learning environment, this guide is for you.

Understanding Exam Anxiety

Exams are not just an academic milestone—they can also be a significant source of stress. Exam anxiety is a psychological condition where intense worry, fear of failure, or feelings of inadequacy hinder a student’s ability to perform effectively. To address this challenge, we must first understand its symptoms, triggers, and underlying causes.

Symptoms of Exam Anxiety

Exam anxiety manifests physically, emotionally, and cognitively. Common symptoms include:

  • Physical Symptoms: Sweaty palms, racing heartbeat, headaches, nausea, or trouble sleeping.
  • Psychological Symptoms: Feelings of panic, fear, or dread before or during the exam.
  • Cognitive Symptoms: Difficulty concentrating or remembering key details, negative self-talk, and physical “freeze” moments during the test.

Common Triggers of Exam Anxiety

  • High Expectations: The pressure to meet personal, parental, or societal standards can weigh heavily on students.
  • Comparative Mindset: Constant comparisons with peers amplify fear of inadequacy.
  • Unpreparedness: A lack of effective study habits or last-minute cramming often triggers anxiety.
  • Past Failures: Negative past experiences with exams make students fearful of repeating those outcomes.
  • Perceived High Stakes: Believing that one exam could make or break their future often worsens stress.

Coping Mechanisms and Strategies

Fortunately, exam anxiety is manageable. Students, parents, and educators all play a role in creating a supportive environment and cultivating effective stress-management skills.

For Students

  1. Effective Study Habits
  • Break the syllabus into smaller tasks and set daily goals.
  • Use active recall and spaced repetition rather than passive rereading of notes.
  • Practice with mock tests to develop familiarity with exam formats.
  1. Time Management
  • Create a study schedule that balances focused study time with regular breaks.
  • Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique to maintain focus and avoid burnout.
  1. Positive Self-Talk
  • Replace thoughts like “I’m going to fail” with “I’ve prepared and will do my best.”
  • Build self-confidence by celebrating small wins during study sessions.
  1. Mindfulness Techniques
  • Practice deep breathing exercises to lower heart rate during moments of stress.
  • Incorporate mindfulness or meditation apps like Calm or Headspace.
  • Engage in regular physical activities such as yoga or jogging to reduce overall stress.

For Parents

  1. Provide Emotional Support
  • Assure your teen that their worth is not tied to grades.
  • Encourage open discussions about their feelings and concerns.
  1. Create Realistic Expectations
  • Instead of focusing on outcomes, emphasize effort and learning.
  1. Healthy Lifestyle Habits
  • Prioritize good sleep hygiene for your teen.
  • Encourage balanced meals rich in nutrients that support brain health.
  1. Avoid Pressure
  • Reassure your teen that mistakes are opportunities for growth, not failure.

For Educators

  1. Set a Positive Tone
  • Reduce high-stakes language (“This exam will determine your future!”) and focus on encouragement instead.
  1. Teach Stress Coping Skills
  • Embed stress-management activities, such as breathing exercises, into class lessons.
  1. Flexible Assessment Methods
  • Consider assessing through projects, presentations, or open-book exams to reduce high-pressure tests.
  1. Identify and Assist High-anxiety Students
  • Offer check-ins or one-on-one meetings with students who show visible signs of exam anxiety.

Positioning education as a holistic process, rather than just results-driven, encourages students to thrive without anxiety.

Therapy in Brandon  

If you find that you’re feeling stuck more than often, or you’re noticing that your anxiety or trauma is especially high during the winter season, know that you’re not alone, we encourage you to reach out. Our counsellor here at Bliss Counselling & Wellness Centre have experience working with anxiety, stress, grief, trauma, depression, and so much more. We offer both in-person and online services. To learn more, reach out to us at 431-302-8803, or go here and fill out an online form!

photo of Counsellor Emem

About the Author
Emem Iniobong, is a Brandon MB, Canadian Certified Counsellor who is an EMDR trained and helps childrenteensyoung adultsparents, and families in dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, parenting support to live a more fulfilled and bliss-full life.